baby braj of the braj family
bike spot
blake the protector of bikes
chaitanya representing his new sponsor.
August 3rd.
Teh last time I was in portland we stopped in during our Warped tour book distribution marathon. At that time there was a nice center run by many disciples of Prthu Prabhu. Preaching centers come and go. Wherever i go to this day I meet someone who got introduced to KC via that center. They were wuite exicted about sharing with others. We stayed in Portland area for two days. On the first morning Chaitanya went on a japa walk and came back sponsored by trail head bikes, a local bike shop. We ate quite a bit of prasadam, caught up on emails and hot showers then rode the train into town with our bikes. We took the evening to meet up with Chaitanya's aunt and cousins. They were all very sweet. Chaitanya prabhu's family is enormous. His grand mother has over twenty five grand kids and twelve children. His fathers side is also quite large. Any city we go to he has someone there to see. we had a nice pasta dinner, played chess by myself and got his cousins to show off their jazz music abilities. One can hold the book and the other plays. What a team. We took the train back and ended up at Vraja Kishore Prabhus home at around 12 o clock or so-sorry. We did manage to ride the train for free both ways. I guess the whole train thing is on the honor system. We were new and didnt know what to do. We are from west virginia and the only trains we have pull coal and hobos. This is our excuse for non gentleman behavior.
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