Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Three days since I wrote this nonsense...

Self Realized Chapattis

Catching up....
Sorry Sorry Sorry.
Its hard writing in India. Its hard writing anywhere. Some one told me this evening that they felt they have kept in touch with me and my mental state through reading the blogs over the past year. I hope that my mental state is not accurately revealed via these blog entrys. Maybe it is. Either way i am a fool.

I am definetly a person used to good technology. Either it has to be the best or its worthless. Even New V internet defeats India. I m not so tolerant of slow tech. It actually quite comforting to touch a Macintosh again. Actually when i was a wee boy my first computer was a mac II. On it I learned to type, program legotronics and do mathematics. Tonight Ive borrowed Nitai's computer so i could type up a few emails and blogs so when I get to the ole internet cafe i can be quick and to the point. atleast as quick as the computers can go. Over the past month it has been almost gauranteed that the computer I use will some how or another shut down mid email or the connection will die and the computer guy will try and try again while never admitting that it wont work. So usually I leave with the idea that maybe i shouldnt be using the computer in the holy dhama and should be chanting or reading rather than waiting for my login page to load. Waste of my life. I also figured out why they are called internet cafe's-because you can smoke as many cigarettes as you like while checking your emails or using up all the band with with a video conference to your girl friend back in europe.

Right now we have reached the last leg of our trip. We are in Mumbai and have just experienced the whirlwind festival of Gaura Purnima with HH Radhanath Maharaja, HH Kavicandra Maharaja, HH Devamrita Maharaja and HH Chaundramauli Maharaja and the Chowpatty congregation. Check their site for photos. www.radhagopinath.com

Before being here we flew five times and took ten trains twenty taxis or more... what to speak of rikshas or walking up and down or around hills or bowing down again and again and again and again and again. I think my forehead has developed a callous. Sick days-zero!!!!! but now the Mumbai cough has hit me. Im mobile but filled with mucus. Another notable experience, I made it the whole month without losing my shoes, until i arrrived Mumbai, on day two the shoes have gone awol. Ill be here for a week and a half more learning from and associatiing with Maharaja's servants. And of course eating a few self realized Chapattis. (this is a recently learned term for -Pizzas, a chapatti at full potential, coined by HH HDG)

Our previous schedule looked like this and I will give over view of each:
Vrindaban, Dheli, Bhubenesvar, Puri, Bhubeneshvar, Kolkata, Mayapur, Kolkata, Dheli, Rishikesh, Haridwar, Dheli, Kolkata, Mayapur, Kolkata, Varanasi, and Mumbai.

ready to here what happened? Lets see what I can remember...

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